  1. Mental

I’m losing my mind again I think

I can hardly sleep

Everything I see means nothing to me

The psychosis is killing me

From the inside

Product of misinformation 

Thank you as

I can feel the disease slowly entering

I’ve been running in circles

I’m losing myself again

(this is happening)

I’m concerned for my health

I can’t help myself

I’ve been pulling my hair out

I’ve been killing myself again

(This is happening)

I’m losing my mind again I think

I can hardly sleep

Everything I see means nothing to me

The psychosis is killing me

From the inside

Product of misinformation 

I can feel the disease slowly entering

I’ve been running in circles

I’m losing myself again

(This is happening)

I’m concerned for my health

I can’t help myself

I’ve been pulling my hair out

I’ve been killing myself again

(This is happening)

I know I sound crazy

I must be

I’m running my mouth again (I think)

I’ll keep these thoughts to myself 

I’ve seen the signs time and again 

I’m losing it 


"Mental" is a digression piece relating to how most people are feeling with the current state of the world. We overdose on media, nothing feels like its real, we can't believe the things we see, and when we try to talk about it, we're often silenced by our peers and told to regurgitate the current narrative. The song ends with a digression that we'll have to keep any thoughts or questions against the system to ourselves to avoid being labeled as crazy for questioning the powers that be.


2. Suicided

Hung with a two foot rope

From the crooked door 

of this seedy motel room

Who knew this would my end too

Far too similar to be truth

Case closed, move along

Nothing to see here

Rinse, Repeat 

Reveal what lurks behind the veil 

Case closed

Nothing to see here 

Move along

I did the right thing

And now I’m in the wrong

If you’re reading this, it’s probably too late

These words will be the death of me

I’ll be on the news at 8

If you’re reading this, I have nothing left

This tragedy will leave all their secrets kept 

Don’t Investigate this untimely death

Under the rug it shall be swept

Don’t look into it 

Or You’ll end up like the rest

If you’re reading this, surely it’s to late

They can do it me 

they can’t suicide us all

No forced entry

Nothing to see here

Move along

Two shots to the back of the head

Oh but he was depressed

Open and shut

Mourn and forget

You’ll never reach the root of it

Two shots to the back of the head

And I’m as good as dead

When will it end

Don’t Investigate this quite untimely death

Under the rug it has been swept

Don’t look into it 

Or You’ll end up like the rest

If you’re reading this, it have nothing left

They can do it me 

they can’t suicide us all

No forced entry

Nothing to see here

Move along


3. Isolation Campaign

Ive said too much

I’ll wind up alone in my head

This is a game of thought

And I Don’t think they want it to end 

I’m confused 

Such a mess 

I can’t feel anything?

I’ve had enough

These thoughts they can’t police


Declared insane by all of them

Out of touch

Images can’t be unseen

Ive said too much

I’ll wind up alone in my head

This is a game of thought

I Don’t think want it to end 

Mental abuse

Once again, we’ve see it all before

We’re waking up

These thoughts they can’t police

Pure disgust

Blatant disregard for human life

I’ve heard enough of it 

Programmed to disagree

As I watch the veil disintegrate it becomes clearer to me

I can’t keep playing along with this 

As I watch the veil disintegrate it becomes clearer to me

I can’t keep playing along

Just get the fuck away from me

I’ve had enough 

I’ll just keep playing along with this

Is easier to be asleep


4. Forced Consumption

Patience is wearing thin 

Once again I’m here suck the end of my rope

I can physically ingest no more

Full to the throat

Regurgitating what the screen says

Tell yourself what you want to hear

Keep quoting your modern messiahs

Keep thinking that the fucking end is near

This close minded shit is repulsive

if you let them they will take your will 

how can someone so smart can be so trusting

don’t choke while you gargle their swill


Let it run down your chin

get every last drop

here they come to fill the trough again

like the force-fed swine that you know you are

you leave your pride behind

drink up while you can

here they come to fill the trough again

Give them a modern reaction

In a world of perfect distraction

Keep seeing what you want to see

patience is wearing thin 

Once again I’m here stuck the end of my rope

I can physically ingest no more

full to the throat

Give them a modern reaction

In a world of perfect distraction

Keep seeing what you want to see 

Your definition of truth couldn’t

mean a god damn thing to me

Give them a modern reaction

In a world of perfect distraction

keep standing where you want to stand 

They have you eating right from the palm of their hands

I believe only in what I can see

And From here, all I see is death & disease

I believe only in what I can see

And From here, all I see is death & deceit 


5. Hate Hypnosis 

The time has come

to Silence them all

In time they be forgotten

We’ll Cut the cord 

dismantle their platform

We are the filth

That lurks in the shadows 

Corrupt control 

We will not be undermined

Everything has its price 

They tread too close to the flame 

We must end their charade

Tread lightly, pawn

Altering the minds of the weak

Is frowned upon

This herd belongs to us

Exploit the docile beings

Extinguish all their voices

Spread our plague across the earth 

The Free thinkers are condemned

Fabricating conflict at the mercy of the masses

The free thinkers are condemned

Rejoice, they won’t will miss them at all 

Fabricating conflict at the mercy of the masses

The free thinkers are condemned

No one will miss them at all 

Silence them all

Distract, divide, destroy

Create the means to conquer thought

Believing what they’re told

They’re gaining to much traction

Intensified their role

This herd belongs to us

We’ll make sure they believe just what they’re told

Deciding what they see

We’ll Censor all the loudest ones

And make them laugh along in disbelief

React, dissolve, deploy

Furthering this great Divide

Just reach inside their throat

And grab the serpent by the tongue

We’ve let this go on for far too long 

We’ve succumb to the scum of the earth

Burn them to the fucking ground

Distract. Divide. Destroy.

Well leave no stone unturned

We've heard enough

The time is now

Silence them all 

We’ve succumbed to the scum of the earth


6. Fixed Figures


What is it they're hiding

What don’t they want us to see

Just bask in this endless sea of ignorance

They’ll be laughing all the way to bank

Nothing is quite what it seems

And none of it means anything to me

Your sentiment is nothing short of ill intent

I guess the truth is what you want it to be

Everything is make believe

and you don’t want to hear it

I don’t foresee this coming to an end

Everything, disbelief, you can’t entertain it

You’ll go along anything they say

In the land of the blind

The one eyed man is king

Just say what they want you to say

And everything will be okay

Are you Even Listening?

You just keep doubling down

You’ll say the things that they want you say

They’ll be Laughing all the way to the bank

Count it up

You think you really give a fuck

This is bigger than you and me

You fake fuck

You cant even give it up

I guess the truth is what you want it to be 


What is it they're hiding 

What don’t they want us to see

Just bask in this endless sea of ignorance

They’ll be laughing all the way to bank

Nothing is quite what it seems

And none of it means anything to me

Your sentiment is nothing short of ill intent

I guess the truth is what you want it to be

Nothing is quite what it seems

And none of it means anything thing me

Count it up 

You think they really give a fuck

This is bigger than you and me 

Nothing is quite what it seems

And none of it means anything thing me

Count it up 

You think they really give a fuck

They’ll be laughing all the way to the bank

Nothing is quite what it seems

And none of it means anything thing me